Da Atelier Nella moltitudine

Da Atelier Nella moltitudine

Tre inediti da Nella moltitudine
(Il Vicolo, 2020)
Anteprima editoriale

su Atelier

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nella moltitudine

verrà, dicevi, la sera di piombo
parole o tarantole verrà e poi zittivi
zittivi il passo e il seme
dentro la carne il boccone
gravido del dissenso
il delitto della profezia
nella voce l’anima si spacca
l’attesa è un tempio
in cui si fa la fame


En el umbral

En el umbral

En el umbral (Uniediciones, 2019)
Traduction Antonio Nazzaro

Es la bitácora de una larga despedida en un umbral que es una demarcación de un confín, de la esperanza de que todo pueda salir bien, de un happy ending inexistente. El relato de una pérdida por parte de quien se queda.

Cuando nos saludamos en el umbral porque alguien está a punto de partir, auguramos un buen viaje y un buen retorno. Si es cierto el no retorno ya desde un comienzo, se busca de todas las maneras posibles detener a quien está por irse, dándonos la ilusión de lograrlo durante los altibajos de un largo periodo de enfermedad. Y quien es capaz lo escribe, como hizo Monica. La sensible ternura, junta al dolor que sobresale desde el prólogo, viene al final, acercándose al sentido amargo de la realidad, pero con una mirada nueva, directa y ya sin el temor de aminorarse. Todo esto hace de un poemario atrayente e interesante. Es la fuerza de ponerse a prueba, de rebasar y quedar, utilizando esta “Errante paloma imaginaria”, grande e incomprendida, la poesía.

ISBN: 978-958-5589-07-0. 1° Edición 2020. 88 págs. Rústica. 15×23 cm. COP $30.000, USD 11



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Estratto Sulla soglia da Anterem

Estratto Sulla soglia da Anterem

clicca qui per leggere su Anterem

Da “Sulla soglia”, Samuele Editore, 2017


4 luglio 2016

la paura è un morire piano
calma piatta nella gola
un arto alla volta
l’acqua che sale.


25 giugno 2016

qui è un filare anche il carezzare
tra ferite allineate
che non sono trama di parole
o la danza dell’ossigeno
che misura le presenze.


22 giugno 2016

grida distanza la valigia chiusa
sentieri stellari dietro lo spigolo quotidiano
perché morire
è solo vivere a rovescio.



vivere a prova di qualunque
garanzia – morire
sgombra tutte le stanze

100 grandi poesie indiane

100 grandi poesie indiane

100 Grandi Poesie Indiane (edizioni Efesto, 2019)
a cura di Abhay Kumar

Un’iniziativa unica di Abhay K. per portare la poesia indiana nel mondo, 100 grandi poesie indiane, proprio come l’India stessa, unisce i confini. Ti immerge negli scenari, nei suoni e nella filosofia del subcontinente e ti porta su un multiforme, lungo viaggio attraverso 3000 anni di poesia indiana in 28 lingue.


— Anonimo

Occupato ora con il mio prezioso flauto di bambù,
le mie dita delicate sui fori.
Tesoro, non posso coccolarti ora,
sono perso nel suonare questo melodioso flauto.
Calmati – mangia un po’ di chilli!
Non posso stringerti proprio adesso.
Occupato con il mio piccolo prezioso flauto di bambù,
le mie dita delicate sui fori.

(Traduzione italiana di Monica Guerra dalla versione inglese)



Alessandra Carnovale, Caterina Davinio, Chiara Borghi, Ivano Mugnaini, Laura Corraducci, Luca Benassi, Monica Guerra, Saverio Bafaro, Simone Zafferani, Tiziana Colusso.



Introduction: Transnational Italian Poetry
Alessandro Canzian, Simona Wright

Literature, and poetry in particular, has always been a tool to understand culture. Sometimes it has even gone beyond and helped cultures to expand and develop. Poets understand that language, essential to human survival, has its own limits, but they also see these limits as an incentive to produce new expressive forms, other languages that transcend the old one to understand and tell what is not yet immediately comprehensible or immediately utterable. This awareness, coupled with the desire to trespass the limits of one’s language, have produced what we today call literature.

Language, intended as an instrument that offers the word countless opportunities, requires nevertheless a corollary of skills. Using it in a poetic way requires a certain familiarity with literature, or rather with literatures, with the oral and written traditions that preceded it, formed it, and complicated it. Language is therefore bound by the vast experience of the past. Italian, a language with a time-honored literary tradition, offers an exceptionally interesting case. On the one side, it boasts the legacy of its noble past, and contemporary poets frequently return to the classics to draw inspiration and new meaning. On the other, that same legacy becomes a burden that crushes the emerging voice under the immense weight of its greatness. This contradiction has produced different reactions, driving poets to experimentations that were considered at times reactionary or decadent by later authors, but which nonetheless have impacted the literary movements of twentieth-century Italian letters.

In the second part of the twentieth century, after the tragic experiences of fascism and WWII, the economic boom, the years of terrorism, the hedonism of the eighties, and the economic and political crises Italians experienced in the new millennium have exacerbated what Pier Paolo Pasolini defined as Italy’s “anthropological mutation.” The value he found in cultural and linguistic authenticity had been rejected while consumerism had deprived the new generations of the utopian dynamism that usually characterizes them. The great dreams that animated political and social movements in the sixties and seventies was extinguished, yielding a widespread sense of disenchantment and frustration. From the nineties, the ethical drift caused the rejection of every sense of civic responsibility while politics was bent to serve exclusively individual interests and personal agendas. Italy’s cultural and social crisis was central to the poetry of the period and testified inexorable ruin often more effectively than narrative production ever could.


The editors of this volume are aware of the experimental and provisional critical approach utilized in this project, but wanted nevertheless to start a conversation on the possibilities offered by the complexities of our reality as they are witnessed, recorded, and experienced by Italian and Italophone poets today. We hope to have started a productive conversation that may help Italian and Italophone authors to develop their poetic expression further and we invite critics to articulate their own perspectives on this emerging phenomenon. Globalization informs our lives, often in a negative way. We hope that this exploratory volume inaugurates a debate on the expressive possibilities of the countless transnational encounters in which we dwell every day, at both the linguistic and the cultural level. Most of all, we hope that the rich complexity of these encounters can be translated in new and original poetic forms.


Introduction: Transnational Italian Poetry

Translingual Peripheries: Ilaria Boffa’s Practice of Everyday Poetry

Selected Poetry

A Strange Geometry

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The Depths of Love and Sorrow in Allison Grimaldi Donahue’s Poetry

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Visiting a Strangely Familiar Country: Writing in Another Language

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Magarian’s Poetic Beasts

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Innovation and Invention in “Kidhood”: When a Poet Writes in a Different Language

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Brenda Porster: The Body as Home, the Home as World

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The Immense Structure of Happiness: Rachel Slade and the Metamorphical Poetry of Apocryphal House

Selected Poetry

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